Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Medical Marijuana Advocate Chadd McKeen Seeks to Shake Up Costa Mesa City Council

Read this story here: Click Here

Please also review comments below (pulled from this article) and share your thoughts.

Chadd McKeen says:

It seems we are being followed by the police. They have the Information Center and our home staked out. It's unfortunate that the plethora of information regarding the truth about marijuana is completely ignored by those in power. Who are we to think we know better than the top minds in the WORLD? I have studies from Harvard, UCLA and many more PROVING that marijuana is valuable medicine for so many ailments. I fear my freedom is in jeopardy and it's a shame the city is focusing it's efforts on coming after me. Thank you all for the amazing support. Please keep up the fight so our brothers and sisters in pain can find some comfort.

Posted On: Tuesday, May. 25 2010 @ 9:50AM
Robert says:

The Directors of the Collectives support you and your Family. Be assured we have your back and encourage you to join us. We are all heading in the same direction and are much stronger together than alone. Their is strength in numbers and everyday more and more are joining us to battle this horrible prohibition on Medical Cannabis.
God Bless You and Yours
Newport Mesa Patients Association

Posted On: Tuesday, May. 25 2010 @ 11:57AM
Matt Coker says:


Well said. Those who gave Chadd and Otherside Farms grief this past weekend over our cover story have lost sight of two things:

1) Chadd wants safe and effective medication for patients. Who can be against that?

2) City leaders and cops who are apparently following him can be against that, proving who the real villains are in Chadd's story.

Posted On: Tuesday, May. 25 2010 @ 4:50PM

Thursday, May 20, 2010


OTHERSIDE FARMS makes front cover of OC Weekly this week, May 20, 2010. Get your copy today!

Please note that there are some twisted statements made in this article and OTHERSIDE FARMS does not openly bash dispensaries. Our intentions are good willed and we do not slam anyone. We only wish for a solution that works for EVERYONE. If there are any questions which require clarification, please contact us.

"Here is my take on all of this. There are no dispensaries named in my statements nor did I say ALL or EVERY dispensary and the truth of the matter is that there are bad elements to EVERY industry and if we expect those who oppose medical marijuana to take us serious we ought come to some realizations about the truth. I spoke with several dispensary owners regarding the article and they took no offense to the story stating "I didn't feel it related to me". Exactly! The opposition to medical marijuana has some legitimate concerns about our industry and if we act like everything is just fine then how can expect them to think we are rational and logical thinkers. It's funny to me that so many are offended feeling I put their name or business out there when that didn't happpen at all. Then, those same people do the exact same thing to me and my family. Do we really expect the cities to want to talk to us? It seems we're either suing them or fighting amongst each other. It's unfortunate this has taken the direction it has. It's also odd that the "Chadd McKeen openly bashes dispensaries" statement is only in the online version and again, I never stated any names of dispensaries nor did I say ALL or EVERY dispensary. Also, I dont see where I said "my way is the only way" or that "I am the only one doing it right". This article, and it's subsequent comments, have had a horrible effect on myself and family due to the local dispensaries feeliing we have betrayed them and that was not our intent at all. If our intent were malicious or if we had stated something that was incorrect we would apologize, but we haven't "openly bashed" anyone or mistated the truth. We thank those of you who are supporting us and we encourage those of you who have questions about any of this to come and talk to us in person."

- Chadd McKeen

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Drug-Friendly Netherlands to Close 8 Prisons -- Not Enough Crime

For years prohibitionists, including our own Drug Enforcement Administration, have claimed — falsely — that the tolerant marijuana policies of the Netherlands have made that nation a nest of crime and drug abuse. They may have trouble wrapping their little brains around this:

The Dutch government is getting ready to close eight prisons because they don’t have enough criminals to fill them. Officials attribute the shortage of prisoners to a declining crime rate.

Just for fun, let’s compare the Netherlands to California. With a population of 16.6 million, the Dutch prison population is about 12,000. With its population of 36.7 million, California should have a bit more than double the Dutch prison population. California’s actual prison population is 171,000.

News by Marijuana Policy Project
(May 26, 2009) in Society / Drug Law
By Bruce Mirken

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Governor Schwarzenegger on Marijuana: It's Not a Drug, It's a Leaf!

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger made newsthis week when the Associated Press reported an interview Schwarzenegger did with the British edition of GQ where he said marijuana is not a drug, it's a leaf. The Governor's press secretary quickly tried to do damage control and claim that he was joking and made the comments in a lighthearted context. This is not the first time that the Governator has had to address marijuana. There is the famous scene in the documentary Pumping Iron where he smokes a joint on screen.

America (and Arnold) has a paradoxical relationship with marijuana. Tens millions of Americans have smoked or continue to smoke marijuana. Arnold's reefer smoking in Pumping Iron not only didn't hurt him when running for Governor, it probably helped him. And Schwarzenegger is far from being in the minority of elected officials who have smoked marijuana. Many successful politicians have admitted to smoking marijuana, including Al Gore, Barack Obama, New York mayor Michael Bloomberg and Newt Gingrich to name just a few.

Marijuana smoking is often portrayed throughout pop-culture, like movies and music, in a positive light. Marijuana use does not usually preclude someone from running for office. There are millions who think that heroin and cocaine are real drugs, but marijuana is just a leaf. However, the war on marijuana is very real. According to FBI statistics, about 800,000 of the roughly 1.8 million annual drug arrests are for marijuana -- 88 percent for possession alone. While getting busted smoking a joint may not land you in jail for a serious amount of time, the collateral consequences are very serious. A drug offense, including marijuana possession, will make you ineligible for finical aid for school. Smoking marijuana can also keep you from dozens of others professions that drug test their employees.

I appreciate the Governor's candor and even humor when talking about marijuana. But if he wants to live up to his image of an action hero who has the courage to take on the hard issues, he could start by going after the irrational and inhumane war on marijuana, which he knows is a joke.

Source: Huffington Post

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Medical Marijuana and Autism

Medical Marijuana for Autism - 20/20 special in the month of June.

Please write a comment for Joey's mom, leading advocacy for Medical Marijuana treat her son's autism.

The Unconventional Foundation for Autism is quickly becoming a leading advocate in the fight for nationwide investigation, research and analysis of the legalization of Medical Marijuana;in accordance with similar terms & conditions set forth by The California Compassionate Use Act.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Medical Marijuana School - Sing Tao Daily

OTHERSIDE FARMS Medical Marijuana Information Center in Sing Tao Daily Newspaper

有关大麻合法化进入公投议题传得沸沸扬扬的同时,一间让人耳目一新的「大麻学校」日前在橙县(Orange County)柯斯塔梅莎市(Costa Mesa)开放,经营者麦肯(McKeen)夫妇公开授课,从种植、法律、医学和烹饪的角度,让人们和大麻「亲密接触」,并将大麻背后鲜为人知的事公诸于 世。

  这座名叫「另一边农场」(Otherside Farms)的大麻学校(资讯中心)坐落在新港滩大道(Newport Beach Blvd.)上一个小型商业广场内,男主人麦肯解释说,「另一边」得名于「另一边的草总是更绿些」这句谚语,英文中的「草」(grass)也可以指代大 麻。 Read Full Article...

The legalization of marijuana into the issue of the referendum, while mass was uproar, an amazing "marijuana school" recently in Orange County (Orange County) Costa Mesa city (Costa Mesa) open, the operator McCann (McKeen) couple public lectures, from cultivation, legal, medical, and culinary point of view so that people and marijuana "high touch" and cannabis behind the little-known things made public. Read Full Article...

Modern Medicine is now the third leading cause of death in America!

Most of us don’t know how many people are actually dying at the hand of the very system that is supposed to save us. What is even more astonishing is that the information about these travesties is completely hidden and not talked about.

Highlighted in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), and reverberated in the upcoming documentary film Food Matters, is one of the best articles documenting the tragedy of the conventional medical paradigm.

The author is Dr. Barbara Starfield of the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health and she describes how the US health care system may be contributing to our poor health.

These are deaths per year:

- 12,000 — unnecessary surgery
- 7,000 — medication errors in hospitals
- 20,000 — other errors in hospitals
- 80,000 — infections in hospitals
- 106,000 — non-error, negative effects of drugs

These total to 225,000 deaths per year from modern medicine!

Add to this the number of deaths from Heart Disease and Cancer each year and the truth is out.

- 652,486 Heart disease
- 553,888 Cancer
- 225,000 Modern Medicine

Modern Medicine is now the third leading cause of death in America!

What we are experiencing now is a crisis of health care and looking to the economics of the industry is not going to solve a thing. The fact of the matter is that we need a whole new paradigm, we need to be looking at all the ways we can boost health through nutritional therapy and other alternatives approaches which are less toxic, less invasive, more effective, more safer and significantly cheaper. The 30 or 40 million people who are without health care insurance in America right now is getting some attention, as it rightly should. However is the answer giving them access to a system that doesn’t really work. Or do they need education rather than medication?

Every person reading this right now realizes that at some level they wish to help their families lives, their children’s lives and the life of the planet. And if this is our decision we need to be looking at our food choices very closely and this is exactly what the new film Food Matters delves into. If you’re after an answer to a significant health challenge or wish to protect yourself and your family from becoming customers of the ‘sickness industry’ then check out the trailer to the upcoming documentary film Food Matters.


Death Statistics:
Modern Medicine Statistics: Journal American Medical Association July 26, 2000;284(4):483-5

Reposted from Food Matters Blog
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