Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Vanguard University Prop 19 Legalization Panel, October 28, 2010

The History/Political Science Department of Vanguard University is presenting a
panel discussion on Prop 19, the legalizing of marijuana in California, in
Needham Chapel on Thursday, Oct. 28, from 7 to 9 p.m.

Panelists include

  • Judge Jim Gray

  • OtherSide Farms owner Chadd McKeen

  • Retired police captain Dave Brooks

  • Professor Darren Guerra

Vanguard wrote to it's faculty, "We invite you to attend and encourage your
students to attend if this is a topic that you or they find interesting. It
should be an educational evening."

Let's support Vanguard University for being a leader in promoting serious
sociological discussion. We want this to be a very successful event so let's
show them we appreciate their open minds!

If you need any further information please visit www.OtherSideFarms.com or call 949 515 4754


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